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Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 01/10/2023

Ribble Valley Crafted Ltd ("we," "our," or "us") are committed to safeguarding your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and protect your personal information when you visit our website hosted on Wix. By accessing or using our website, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Information We Collect:

  1. Personal Information: We may collect personal information such as your name, email address, phone number, and other contact details when you voluntarily provide them to us through our website's contact forms or when you subscribe to our newsletter.

  2. Cookies and Similar Technologies: Our website may use cookies and similar tracking technologies to enhance your browsing experience, collect usage data, and improve our services. For more information on how we use cookies, please refer to our Cookies Policy below.

How We Use Your Information:

  1. We may use your personal information to communicate with you, respond to your inquiries, and provide the information or services you have requested.

  2. We may use cookies and similar technologies to analyse website traffic, understand user preferences, and improve the functionality of our website.

Disclosure of Information:

  1. We may share your personal information with trusted third-party service providers who assist us in operating our website and providing services to you. These third-party providers are required to maintain the confidentiality of your information.

  2. We may also disclose your information when required by law or if we believe it is necessary to protect our rights, safety, or property, or that of others.

Data Security:

  1. We employ reasonable security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

  2. However, please note that no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is entirely secure, and we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your data.

Your Choices and Rights:

  1. You have the right to access, correct, update, or delete the personal information we hold about you. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us.

  2. You can also opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us by following the unsubscribe instructions in the emails we send or by contacting us directly.

Changes to the Privacy Policy:

  1. We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the updated Privacy Policy on our website.

Cookies Policy

Our website uses cookies and similar technologies to enhance your browsing experience and improve our services. By using our website, you consent to the use of cookies as described in this Cookies Policy. If you do not agree with the use of cookies, you can adjust your browser settings to block or delete cookies.

What are Cookies? Cookies are small data files stored on your device (computer, tablet, or smartphone) when you visit our website. They help us recognise your device and gather information about your interactions with our website.

Types of Cookies We Use:

  1. Essential Cookies: These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of our website and allow you to navigate our pages and access essential features.

  2. Analytical Cookies: We use these cookies to collect information about your visit, including pages visited, time spent on each page, and the referring website. This helps us analyse website traffic and improve our services.

  3. Preference Cookies: These cookies remember your choices and preferences on our website, such as language settings and font size, to provide a more personalised experience.

  4. Third-Party Cookies: Some third-party services we use, such as Google Analytics, may also place cookies on your device to provide us with analytics and insights about our website's usage.

How to Manage Cookies: Most web browsers allow you to control cookies through their settings. You can usually delete existing cookies and choose to block certain types of cookies in the future. Please refer to your browser's help documentation for more information on how to manage cookies.

Changes to the Cookies Policy: We may update this Cookies Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. Any changes will be posted on this page with a revised "Effective Date."

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or Cookies Policy, please contact us at or via telephone on 07731379661.

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